Meet our Spoiled 4 - Legged Kids 

Our homestead wouldn’t be complete without our playful, mischievous, and downright lovable goats! These curious creatures keep us entertained with their silly antics, joyful hops, and occasional escape attempts. Whether they’re munching on hay, climbing anything in sight, or greeting us with their adorable bleats, our goaties bring endless energy and charm to farm life.

Stay tuned to meet the crew and hear all about their adventures! 🐐❤️

Miss Truffles

Sassy Pants

Miss Sassy got her name from being so sassy.

She is the product of Twitch and Lil' Man.

She was born a twin on March 16, 2019. She only weighed a little over 7 lbs. She was tiny compared to her brother Oreo; He weighed in at almost 12 lbs. He was sold when he was 9 weeks old. Truffles and Oreo was the first set of twins for Twitch and Lil' Man.

Truffles is a bottle baby and stayed in the house until she was 6 months. Yes, she slept in my bed just like Twitch and Lil' Man done. 

Truffles is the mother of Hersey and Dawn or Princess Dawn, as I love to call her. She is the sister to Pugsley, and Wednesday and half sibling to Squishy and Onyx. 

Truffles is Painted. 

Mr. Frost

Mr. Frost got his name by his ears plus it was bitterly cold when he was born. He is the son of Squeakie and Lil' Man. and the brother to Squishy and Onyx. He is half sibling to Truffles, Pugsley and Wednesday. 

He was born February 7, 2020, as a twin, but I didn't make it out in time and honestly Squeakie was due to kid.

I lost his twin brother who was a black and white paint and that was the first loss of a baby. My heart was broken. 

Frost was tiny. I knew I had to get him in the house and under some warm blankets and on a heating pad.

Frost spent almost his first year in the house and was a bottle baby,

Frost wasn't growing in the beginning like he should have. Frost had to have surgery due to infection in his belly button. Then while they were doing that surgery he also got castrated because he was Cryptorchid.

He done really well with the surgeries and was on the fast track of healing and feeling better. 

He was a goof ball; you will soon see with his photo gallery. 

His growth spurt hit in 2023. 

Frost is Chestnut with Frosted Ears.  

Miss Squeshie

Miss Squishy is the product of Squeakie and Lil' Man and the twin to Onyx.  

I missed their birth, but Squeakie done great and she raised the girls herself. 

Squishy was born February 27, 2023. She was spit fire and like her mama she did not like to be touched unless it was on her terms. 

Although Squeakie took care of her, she still got a bottle and loved the attention that come with it. 

She is the sister to Onyx, Frost and half sibling to Wednesday and Pugsley. 

Squishy still only wants affection on her time and I hope the older she gets she will realize that cuddles are not bad,

Squishy is traditional Red. 

Miss Onyx

Miss Onyx was born February 27, 2023, to Squeakie and Lil' Man. 

She is the sister to Squishy and Frost and half sibling to Pugsley and Wednesday. 

Her coat is curly as you can see in this picture. In the summer when she has a sleek coat, she is striped in rust and black. Onyx is considered painted.

Onyx is the opposite of Squishy when it comes to cuddles. She thrives for attention, and she loves licking clothes. 

She was also bottle fed when she wanted to step away from her mama. 

Mr. Pugsley

Mr. Pugsley is a product of Twitch and Lil' Man and their 3rd and unfortunately last set of twins. He was bottle fed until he was 6 months old. I do believe bottle feeding makes Goaties more affectionate and loveable and easier to handle. 

Mr. Pugsley was born March 17, 2023. He was born before Wednesday. 

He has the attitude of Lil' Man and Twitch. 

He is twin to Miss Wednesday and brother to truffles, half siblings to Frost, Squeshie, and Onyx and Uncle to Dawn. 

Pugsley is considered tri painted.

Miss Wednesday

Miss Wednesday is a product of Twitch and Lil' Man and their 3rd and unfortunately last set of twins. 

Miss Wednesday was born March 17, 2023. She was born after Pugsley.

She was bottle fed until she was 6 months old. I do believe bottle feeding makes Goaties more affectionate and loveable and easier to handle. 

She is her mama made over. Miss Wednesday is as sassy as her sister, Truffles. She thinks she is the boss, but she isn't. 

She is twin sister of Mr. Pugsley, full sister to Truffles, Aunt to Dawn and Hersey and half sibling to Miss Onyx, Miss Squeshie and Mr. Frost.

Wednesday is considered a black/white painted. 



Princess Dawn

Princess Dawn is a product of Truffles and twin to Hersey. They are the first set of twins for Truffles.

She was born March 19, 2023, and after Hersey.

She was tiny, wasn't breathing and was very cold. Thank God Tom was there to get her. We rushed her into the house to warm her up and now she is a thriving yearling. 

She was a bottled fed baby until she was almost 9 months since she was so small. 

She is niece to Mr. Pugsley and Wednesday, and cousin to Squeshie and Onyx.  

She is super sweet and loves attention. Unfortunately, we lost her twin brother Hersey due to a bad storm the rolled in overnight. He is dearly missed not only by his sister but by all of us.  

We are not sure of her color and pattern.